Home Allgemein “Aanna Asks” featuring Kati Pinnegger

“Aanna Asks” featuring Kati Pinnegger

“Aanna Asks” featuring Kati Pinnegger
(c) Nutville.at

Hello Vikings Fans, this week’s “Aanna Asks” features Dacia Vikings Cheerleader Kati Pinnegger, who is also student of the Vikings Cheer Academy #VCA.
Kati has been cheering for 6 years, 4 of which have been with the Vikings. Kati first got into cheerleading when she watched other members cheer. “I have been very active and played sports my whole life. I watched the younger girls cheer and I wanted to try it. Now I love it.” Kati believes the opportunity to attend the Academy fell into place for her at the perfect time. Before every season, the cheerleader sets goals for herself. This year, Kati’s main focus was on being a flyer. “I have always had a passion to be a flyer and this season I spent a lot of time learning how to do the best stunts. I also want to learn how to do a full (layout with a back tuck and turn).” Kati is very passionate about what she does and hopes to one day be a part of the Allstars team.

Kati was proud to be nominated as MVC in 2018. (c) nutville.at

Last weekend, the Viking Cheer team competed at the Vienna Classic. “The competition went really well. We won as a team and personally, I think I did well. I had a little falll on one stunt, but we recovered well. The team improved from practice and we felt really good.” Right before a competition, Kati is pretty relaxed and focused, but when Kati is on the mat for a performance, she is nervous and has a rollercoaster of emotions. “My mind is always racing and I have a certain routine I follow to ask God to watch over us.” Kati’s favorite part of competing is winning. She shared that it’s always a good feeling to win and it feels like all of your hard work paid off.  Over the past 6 years of competitions, Kati thinks the European competitions are her favorite. “I like the competitions in other countries because it is a chance to see new cities and go on a trip with my teammates. Unfortunately, we don’t get a lot of funding for these trips. We would love to have more companies support our program in the future to make these trips possible.”

Kati likes international competitions the most and she’d love to see more sponsors & companies funding the trips of the Vikings cheer teams. (c) nitvulle.at

Kati loves being with her teammates both on and off the mat. When the cheerleader is not practicing, she enjoys dancing, scuba diving, hanging out with friends, swimming, and spending time outside. Growing up, Kati looked up to other cheerleaders as her motivation to get better. “I didn’t look up to any one person specifically, but I am following a lot of people on Instagram and always looking at what other cheerleaders are doing to get better.” Kati had a hard time choosing her favorite part of the Viking’s Cheer team, but it all came down to the relationships she has made. “Being a part of the Vikings Cheer Team has taught me so much. I’ve learned a lot about having a strong mindset. I have also grown as a person and have learned to not take things for granted. When I was injured, I missed cheering so much. I have learned more than just cheerleading, but real life situations and how to react to them. I wouldn’t trade my cheer friendships for the world.”

Kati says: „I wouldn’t trade my cheer friendships for the world .“

Later this season, Kati and her teammates will perform in Germany. She is looking forward to putting the routine together and leaving it all out on the mat. Kati is excited to keep improving and creating more memories with her teammates.
The Vikings‘ community wishes Kati the best of luck in the future. As always, go Vikings! #BleedPurple

Until next time,

PS: A lot of the Vikings Cheer & Danceteams will perform at the #YoungVikings Gameday on Monday, June 10 at the Ravelin Footballzentrum. Come check it out!