Home Tackle Football AFL “Aanna Asks” featuring Nicolas Galanos

“Aanna Asks” featuring Nicolas Galanos

“Aanna Asks” featuring Nicolas Galanos

I am back again, Vikings Fans! This week’s “Aanna Asks” features offensive lineman, Nicolas Galanos. Nicolas has been playing football for the past 9 years.
He chose football because he has been around football forever. “I played several sports growing up, but eventually I fell in love with football and that is what I wanted to continue.” Galanos has been a popular name in the Vikings community in the past, Nicolas’s dad and both uncles played for the Vikings years ago. “My last name is very popular with the Vikings, but I do not think it adds extra pressure.”

#88 Nico Galanos started the 2019 season also playing Tight End before he moved entirely to the Offensive Line. Photo (c) Peter Kramberger

The lineman has many goals for himself during the season; including, being a starter, getting better everyday, and working on his technique. He genuinely values his teammates and the Dacia Vikings community as a whole. Nicolas shared his favorite part of the Vikings Football Academy which is being able to focus on both academics and athletics. “The Vikings Academy is a great way to connect football with school. It’s a very great and quite unique thing we have in Europe.” He also shared his favorite memory from the Academy which are the youth camps. He enjoys being around his team and learning something new each day.

In 2017 Nicolas Galanos was part of #TeamAustria that won the U19 European Championship. Photo (c) Privat

Off of the football field, Nicolas enjoys being with his friends and having fun. Nicolas also shared that he loves watching football just as much as he enjoys playing. The lineman told me that if he could meet any football player, he would choose Peyton Manning. He has always admired him and looked up to him as a player. Nicolas has always been a die hard Broncos fan and hopes to go to one of their games in the future. Nicolas spent time in the United States as an exchange student. He talked about his experiences and what he learned while being there. “I went to school in Tennessee and I enjoyed it. I learned that life in the United States was so different. I wanted to see how football was played and be immersed in a new culture. I enjoyed my time there, but I was happy to come back.”
The Vikings community is certainly happy to have Nicolas back, too. Go Vikings!

Until next time,

PS: If you like to watch Nicolas and the Vikings play, come to our next home game on June 1st at stadium Hohe Warte. Our AFL game against the Swarco Raiders is also the 21st Vikings Charity Bowl!